The Pretty Littles (album launch)
The Pretty Littles (album launch)

The Pretty Littles (album launch)

with Special Guests
Corner Hotel (Richmond, VIC)
Thursday, 17 April 2025 8:00 pm
16 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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General Admission Standing (18+)
{{ requestedInventory['41cab857-3799-4ff9-bdca-ffc9e26c39ff'] }}
General Admission Standing (18+) + Digital Download
{{ requestedInventory['37dab9af-d1aa-4100-b956-32ca3767996c'] }}
Rock n Roll band The Pretty Littles return after a million years to launch their 7th album 'Force'. The album features singles Force, Australian Dream and Taking On Water and a bevy of other new tunes you are guaranteed to adore on first listen and share fervently with your friends, family and complete strangers. The band would very much appreciate your presence at its launch. 


Corner strives to create a safe space that everyone can enjoy.
Crowd surfing & dangerous behaviour will result in removal from the venue.

Full conditions of entry. Accessibility Info 

Can't make the event? Sell your tickets fast and fair through our resale partner Tixel!